Level 7:Unit 2 Take a harbor sightseeing boat

A: Do you have any plans for summer vacation ?B: I’m finally going to visit Australia. A: I love it there. That’s great choice.B: It’ll be my first time. Can you recommand some places of interest around Sydney ? A: ...
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Level 7:Unit 1. Have You Been to Spain?

A: I’m going to Europe this summer.B: That’s great! Which countries will you visit? A: I’m not sure yet.B: Have you been to Spain? A: No Should I try to go there?B: Definitely. There are some wonderful beaches. A: Did ...
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Unit 40: Fix the grammar and sentence

Wrong: She is exciting play.Better: She is very active Wrong: Person A report the lost credit card to the credit card companyBetter: Person A report the lost credit card to the bank. Wrong: I almost use the credit cardBetter: Most ...
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I’d like to report a lost credit card

A: Hello, I’d like to report a lost credit card.B: What is your card number? A: 02-785-xxx-xxxB: And what is your name? A: Jenny Collins.B: Whe was the last time you used your card? A: Two week ago.B: I’ll check ...
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Unit 5: Have you met the family?

A: I see the new family’s moving into the house across the street.B: Yeah. It was empty for a long time. A: Have you met the family?B: Once. when they were looking at the house. A: They’re from Canada, aren’t ...
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Unit 4: What’s your last name?

A: I haven’t seen you before.B: We just moved into town. A: I’m sally Austin.B: I’m Sam. A: What your last name?B: Michaels. A: What company do you work for ?B: I have my own computer repire business.
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Unit 3: I hope to see you again

A: Isn’t this a nice party?B: I really like it. Such good food! A: I don’t think we’ve met. My name is Harry.B: I’m Susan. I’m happy to meet you A: Are you new in town?B: Yes. We’re looking for ...
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Unit 1: Say hi to your girlfriend for me

Say hi to your girlfriend for me. A: Hey, Johnny, how have you been?B: Not so bad. How about you? A: Much better now that. It’s stopped raining so much.B: It’s great day! A: Where are you going now?B: To ...
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Unit 2: I haven’t sen Paul in ages.

I haven’t seen Paul in ages A: Hey Sam, What’s up?B: Hi Kelly, Nothing much. How about lunch today? A: It would have to be late lunch. Would 1:30 be ok?B: I could make it then. A: Great! I have ...
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